Monday, January 16, 2006

Doc Brown Reads This Site!

CDS readers are apparently more varied than I gave credit to. Somehow my DeLorean post the other day was noticed by CDS reader Mark Shields who was kind enough to send over a link to his website. Which I'm going to blatantly pimp out right here because clicking that link will take you to pictures of his car.

Mark, if you're ever in town again then I'd love to get a closer look at that beauty. Its good to know that Mr. Fusion is helping keep America clean.


  1. That's pretty wild. You know what's wilder? His alma mater is Niki's alma mater. AND, if I'm doing the math right, when he was teaching in the Cy-Fair school disctrict, Niki's mom was teaching in the Cy-Fair school district. They were freakin' colleagues! How freaky-deaky is that?

  2. Who's Niki? Is she hot???

    FYI -- I used to find your post. I just typed DeLorean and Dallas and BAM!

  3. Niki'd be my wife. And as cool as your DeLorean is, I just don't think I can make that trade. Now, if it actually time travels... ;)

  4. Hey! Not cool. >:-{

  5. Whoa there kids. I just thought the car was cool. :) Let's leave the personal stuff for sites other than mine kthx.

  6. Hey, I never proposed a trade for the DeLorean. That was all Nathan. I am on the lookout for magic beans, however.
